Security technologies development

Development and creation of the system for collection of information on the internal and external business environment:
  • identification of information flows and places of its concentration (information on business, market, competitors and their actions, etc.) both inside of a business and outside of it;
  • identification of the most critical information for the given business;
  • development of approaches to the most efficient retrieval of this information;
  • development of approaches to accumulation of this information and its use (storage, analysis, presentation…);
  • development of the standing system for the continuous collection of market information (environment monitoring).

Development and creation of the system for legal protection of the company’s business secret:
  • identification of the most critical information for the business;
  • identification of the channels for movement and accumulation places for the given information;
  • legal assignment of the business secret;
  • development of conditions for the business secret protection;
  • development of the system for control over the safety of the business secret.

Development and creation of the systems to prevent and identify staff frauds:
  • assessment of the degree of protection of the merchandise and tangible assets (MTA);
  • assessment of the system for MTA transactions recording;
  • identification of the fraud traces (tangible and information);
  • development of the intruder model;
  • development of the actions to prevent and suppress the fraud.

Development and creation of the systems to counteract unfair competition:
  • assessment of the competition level in this business sector;
  • identification of technologies in use;
  • assessment of profitability for the use of these technologies;
  • development of the opponent model;
  • development of the actions to keep track of the competitors’ actions;
  • development of the system to prevent unfair competition;
  • development of the line of behavior in these or those conditions.

Development and creation of the technical data protection systems:
  • identification of the most critical information for the business;
  • identification of the channels for movement and accumulation places for the given information;
  • assessment of profitability for the data protection;
  • development of the intruder model;
  • development of the actions to exclude the technical retrieval of certain information.