Business security system
Perekhvat Outgoing Information Control System
The Perekhvat system is designed to solve the following tasks:- control over business information leaks via the Internet, for example:
- accounting information. Keys to the Client bank system;
- databases of the clients and suppliers;
- information on the internal IT infrastructure;
- projects under development.
- control over the proper use of the working hours and Internet;
- control over outgoing of the undesirable and unfavorable information on the firm from the intranet;
- maintenance of the outgoing information archive with the possibility to search for the required information for the past periods (regardless of the employee’s availability, who received or sent this information).
SecretsSaver Information Protection System
A radically different approach to counteraction of the information leaks and confidential information thefts by the employees has been implemented in the SecretsSaver Information Protection System (IPS).
The SecretsSaver IPS provides the following opportunities:
- to strictly restrict the access to the confidential information for the employees of the IT subdivisions;
- to divide information stored on workstations of the employees and servers by the secrecy degree;
- to assign personal level of access to information to every employee of the company;
- to restrict the unauthorized distribution of information based on the information secrecy degree and levels of access of the employees;
- to dynamically regulate the employees’ rights to access the data transfer devices (diskettes, flash memory disks, Internet) contingent upon the employee’s level of access and levels of secrecy assigned to the documents they have to handle;
- to provide the full history of the confidential information handling.
StaffCop Staff Control System
By means of StaffCop, you may do the following actions to ensure control and optimize the working hours of the employees of your own company:
- full analysis of the use of the employees’ working hours and execution of the detailed reports based on which one may optimize the action plan of an expert, a department or a company, in general;
- grant of access to view the reports generated by StaffCop to the security service officers and/or company executives;
- real-time control over actions of the employee enables to adjust the work of an expert at any time towards the direction required.
- reception of a screenshot will allow you to know what your employee is doing at any time;
- reception of a list of the running programs;
- reception of a list of the open websites – if any websites are open, StaffCop will show their addresses and names;
- remote installation of agents – you may install the StaffCop agents on all the PCs in your local network, without actually leaving your workplace;
- opportunity to automatically save the data (screenshots, websites) in a certain period of time even if the client is switched off – it could be useful if you need to get a full picture of the employee’s business day;
- the user cannot delete the history of the visited websites by pressing the “Clear history” button in MS Internet Explorer: many people, while being aware that they can be monitored, knowingly clear the history of the visited pages, while StaffCop maintains a separate protected list of websites;
- opportunity to at any time load and analyze any information collected by the agent (screenshots, history of the visited websites, history of the programs run);
- “invisible” mode – the user does not notice that StaffCop is installed on his/her PC;
- a report wizard will allow analyzing the work of one or more employees for any period of time. You may check on what day, what hours and what programs your subordinate launched, how much time he/she spent in each of the programs. You may also check time distribution (in percentage and hours) by the used programs per a person or a group of employees for any period of time (one or several days, a week, a month, etc.).